We’re taking the guesswork out of building.

By choosing to build with Fairhaven, you can bypass the lengthy waitlists and secure your build dates with our build time guarantees


Site Start Guarantee*



8 weeks*



10 weeks*



12 weeks*










Build Time Guarantee*

By choosing to build with Fairhaven, you can bypass the lengthy waitlists and secure your build dates with our build time guarantees

Proof is in the data

Time is not the only measure of success. For many of our customers who were paying rent or a mortgage, by getting them into their home earlier we potentially saved them money.

10% of builds

4.57 months early

30% of builds

3.79 months early

50% of builds

3.45 months early

It’s more than just time

Time is not the only measure of success. For many of our customers who were paying rent or a mortgage, by getting them into their home earlier we potentially saved them money.

It all adds up…

Time saved against the average rental costs across Melbourne:

Total Rent Saved *

$1.35M +

Savings Calculator

Calculate what could be saved

Want to know how our build times could have benefited you? Select your house type, build region and weekly rent costs to find out the equivalent time and rent savings!

Get Started
01 23-06 24

House Type

Build Region

Your weekly rent

Results are based on build data from 01.2023 - 06.2024 & June 2024
REA Median Rental rates across our build regions.

Average time we were
ahead of schedule

66 days

Estimated rental savings


Speed isn’t our
only measure
of success

We value connection, trust and quality

We offer a building experience that is backed by years of expertise and a genuine passion for creating homes that our clients love.

Building your home on time is important, but a more significant goal is to deliver homes that are built with the quality and craftsmanship that you expect. We want to build trust with our customers through reliable service, consistent quality, and a commitment to doing what is right.

But don’t just take it from us…

Client Case Studies

By choosing to build with Fairhaven, you can bypass the lengthy waitlists and secure your build dates with our build time guarantees

*For more information about our Guarantees, please view our terms and conditions.

Get Started

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