Patrick & Lauren
From ’60s weatherboard to modern living
Amongst the rolling hills of Lilydale is a family of four, living in their newly built Shoal 265 by Fairhaven Homes. Lauren, who works locally to the area as a hearing provider, and Pat, with his own business as an experienced carpenter, who envisioned one day working on his own home, live with their two young girls. Each morning, they roll up the blinds and count the hot air balloons over the Yarra Valley.
Before moving to Kinley estate, Lauren and Patrick cherished their first home, a 1960’s weatherboard, where they welcomed daughter Georgie and family dog Ruben. However, with second daughter Bonnie’s arrival, the family soon outgrew that home, sparking the need for extra space.
In 2018, the family found their perfect location in Kinley estate in Lilydale, however, unexpected delays meant waiting five years before their corner block would title and their dream could commence.
The path to Fairhaven Homes
With Lauren’s dad a builder and Pat’s trade experience, they were able to weigh up their building options, “We had to discover the builders by looking into their process and weigh up owner building”. Ruling out quickly that this wasn’t a viable option, the pair shopped around obtaining quotes from five different builders.
As they considered each builder, Lauren talks about the experiences they had across the industry, “Initially we went down to Canopy estate and unfortunately we were told that Fairhaven Homes wouldn’t build in our estate, we were so devastated”. With the land delayed they had time to look at other builders, which lead to them placing a deposit with another builder. During this time though, they didn’t feel fully satisfied, “We kept on coming back to Fairhaven Homes” said Lauren, “We just liked their floor plans, and I thought their pricing was good” commented Pat on Fairhaven Homes designs.
Patrick was driving past the Fairhaven Homes Minta displays and called in to see if things had changed. Just their luck, there had been a shift with Fairhaven Homes now able to build at Kinley estate, so the pair quickly jumped back on board with them.
Finding the perfect home
Their dream home non-negotiables included four bedrooms, two bathrooms and a raked ceiling.
It was on Instagram where they saw the then new, Shoal home design, “I liked that the kitchen was on the side. I felt like it opened up the space and suited our block better as we had a wider block, we could then do a wrap-around deck from the dining to the covered outdoor area. We fell in love with the Shoal straight away.”
October 2022 the pair had their studio selections appointment, a chance to stylise their new home as they waited for titles. “The girls at the studio were awesome, they gave me confidence and I trusted them. If there was something we were unsure about, they really helped to guide us. Especially with the exterior colours and I cannot fault that,” said Lauren.
July 2023 their Kinley estate block titled and getting to site was completed in just over 16 weeks. The build, an order job, meant site costs would be finalised four weeks after titles, in which Pat and Lauren made sure everything was in order for their dream home before contracts were signed.
Onsite, and Bonnies first steps
After seeing the temp fence and portaloo on site, a small but momentous stage, Laurens first thoughts were “it’s happening”. Outside of the fencing and toilet going up, for Lauren and Pat the slab stage was a moment they would cherish forever, “Bonnie started to learn to walk during the build process. There are videos of her when the slab was poured, and she was taking steps on the slab”.
With backgrounds in building and a strong understanding of craftsmanship, these upsizers remained confident throughout their journey, “We were never concerned about any of the trades or the quality. Everyone that we met along the way was awesome, so we always felt in safe hands.”
Ahead of schedule
The construction process took 5.6 months for the Lilydale home, moving in ahead of schedule.
After nine years, they pair were well and truly ready for their new home, “We were just getting sick of Kilsyth and the tiny space. The estate and land developer had extended what was going to be a two-year time frame to almost five years from when the land titled, so with all the delays, to have the house just fly, it was amazing”.
Moving in earlier also meant the family were able to get their Kilsyth home up for sale quicker and for Lauren it meant celebrating the girls’ birthdays in their new home, “I wanted to be in for the girls’ birthdays in July, and they smashed that, like absolutely smashed that,” said Lauren.
The Tradies’ choice
Alongside moving in ahead of schedule, they both praised the quality of the home, the affordability and many of Fairhaven Homes process’, “I think another thing about Fairhaven Homes is their Quality Assurance process, I would say it’s quite strict. They really care” said Pat.
As well as building alongside Fairhaven Homes on their own home, Patrick has worked for them on other client homes, seeing the values they hold around trust, connection and quality in real time.
“I definitely would build with Fairhaven Homes again. I think for what they offer, their budgets and what they deliver, I can’t fault that. I have worked for quite a few different companies, and I think that’s why I recommend Fairhaven Homes. You can’t match that. Their price point and the quality of their build is great,” said Pat.
How it’s all going
Whilst for Patrick and Lauren they got everything they set out for in upsizing their home and lifestyle, for their two daughters Georgie and Bonnie, settling into their new home took no time at all. Lauren commented that the girls are loving the new space and playroom, with Georgie even saying, “I don’t like our old house”.
Whilst Georgie is impressed with the new home, Lauren talks highly of the finishes, “With the girls’ sticky fingers, I cannot fault the wash and wear paint, most days I’ll go around with a wet wipe, and it just cleans up so well”.
For Pat, he was sad to see the journey end. “I liked the build so much; I think it went too fast. I was just a little bit gutted when it was finished because I enjoyed it so much”.