Garden Ideas & Solutions for Every Home

So you’ve found the perfect home that caters to you and your family’s every need, now you’d like to top it off with the perfect outdoor environment. Whether you are the host of the best barbecues, love entertaining friends on a summer evening, or simply love getting some much-needed relaxation in the backyard, having a lush and inviting garden can make all of the difference.

Of course, not all of us are gifted when it comes to landscaping or plant selection. And with yards of every shape, size and sun coverage, there are many factors you need to think about to ensure your garden is a success. To help in this area, we cover some of the biggest problems property owners encounter when wanting to create a lush garden.

Small Yard

Bought an apartment that only has a balcony? Sacrificed a little yard space in order to extend the sizes of your bedroom? Have a yard that runs along the corner of the property? Working with limited space is one of the biggest dilemmas novice gardeners come across and need to accommodate. Not to worry though, there are many solutions that make your space look absolutely enchanting.

Potted plants are a great way to limit the amount of space that a plant takes up whilst still giving you a splash of greenery. Potted citrus plants are especially great as they give you delicious fruit as well. Depending on the theme you are going for, you can stick to the traditional terracotta pot or experiment with a bunch of bright and intriguing colours.

Many of us automatically think of carpeting our ground with pots and plants, but have you thought vertically? Vertical gardens are becoming quite popular as a great space saver that looks absolutely amazing. You have the option to hang these directly on the wall or select from a range of freestanding units available at home improvement stores.

Lack of a green thumb

Manage to kill plants just by looking at them? Not everyone is born with that green thumb and so creating the perfect garden will all come down to your plant choice. There are many great plants and flowers that will thrive in the Australian environment without much help from you, you simply need to know what to look for. Perennials and succulents are often go-to plants for the novice. There are also a number of tricks such as stone mulch and automatic watering systems that you can set and forget.

If your skills really are worse than you thought, there are also ways to create a great outdoor area without the use of extravagant plants. Installing pavers, artworks and wall features are all great options for the modern yard. Also, don’t forget about the many benefits and convenience that comes with artificial turf.


No matter how much effort you put into your garden, it’s going to be difficult to make it thrive if the environment is all wrong. The climate will have a big impact on the plants themselves, you’re also going to have a look at your space to determine whether you are getting heaps of sun, heaps of shade, or have a mix of both – determining this will help you narrow down the list of potential plants.

Generally, native plants will survive the elements a little easier. However, don’t let that put you off other varieties; it’s simply a matter of the right research. Speak to your local home improvement store with a plant section, explain your area, shade coverage and the type of garden you are looking to achieve, whether that is native, bush, tropical, coastal or edible for the best advice.


The information contained in this article is intended to be of a general nature only. It has been prepared without taking into account any person’s objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on this information, Fairhaven Homes recommends that you consider whether it is appropriate for your circumstances and that you seek independent legal, financial, and taxation advice before acting on any information in this article.

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