Your Six-Point Checklist to Choosing the Right Block of Land

It’s the great Australian dream: to buy a block of land and build your very own abode. However, one of the most critical issues that comes with a home build is working out which block of land is right for you. Essentially, this is the blank canvas whereupon you will build that idyllic future home you’ve been envisioning; as such, you should expect plenty of room for deliberation, lest you regret your decision later.

While you may think you have covered all the necessary elements, it’s a good idea to go through ‘checklist’ and ensure you really are ticking all the required boxes. May we suggest taking a breath, stepping back and assessing all those nitty gritty details that come with selecting a block of land…

1. Location, location, location

This is often the first thing new home builders prioritise, and rightfully so. Within this list item comes another mini checklist noting what kinds of location elements should factor into your decision:

  • Road infrastructure
  • Telecommunication networks
  • Drainage
  • Power
  • Internet access
  • Healthcare facilities
  • Public transport
  • Schools

2. Examine the land

Selecting the ideal location for your new home boils down to a multitude of factors beyond suburban conveniences. The type of soil determines whether the land is suitable for building a house upon. If it has too much fall or is densely vegetated , you’ll need to keep in mind that this will bite into your budget as you fork out extra costs to level the land. Other things to consider include potential environmental hazards – sure, choosing a hilltop site can provide a gorgeous sweeping views, but it is more susceptible to bushfires.

3. Size matters

Naturally, the dimensions of your block will have a big impact on the type of house you plan on building. How many bedrooms and bathrooms do you plan on installing? Have you got ‘must-have’ items on your list, like a backyard pool or a garden shed? Ensure your chosen piece of land is large enough to cater for your overall home width – and don’t forget to accommodate for the necessary setbacks from the edge of your property (for instance, a single-storey home in Victoria will require a setback of 1.2m).

4. Take note of local council restrictions and regulations

So you’ve managed to tick all the above boxes – bravo. However, now it’s time to take a look into those rules and regulations imposed by the local council. These will prescribe whether or not your desired home can actually be built upon the land you’ve chosen, and will determine other important matters such as the kind of fencing that may be erected. Making enquiries with the council about the piece of land you’ve selected and any future developments that may occur here might bring you closer to finding out if your home has potential to increase in value over time.

5. Suss out the privacy factor

Your home should be your haven, and as such, you’re going to require certain levels of privacy. What kind of neighbouring properties surround your dream block of land? Will you be able to ensure your family is kept safe and secure? These all need to be taken into account, lest you wake up with your next-door neighbour peering into your window!

6. How’s the price tag?

Blocks of land vary greatly in price, depending on a range of factors. Bear in mind that building on a level ground is easier and therefore will be more affordable. Building on swampy land, on the other hand, will dig significantly further into your budget, as it will need to be strengthened to make it easier to tread on and to prevent water logging.

Each of these checklist points are vital in helping you choose the right piece of land for your home build. In the long run, better understanding the conditions and requirements you’re working with means you’ll be able to approach your decision as informed as possible, giving you the peace of mind for a profitable and comfortable future.


The information contained in this article is intended to be of a general nature only. It has been prepared without taking into account any person’s objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on this information, Fairhaven Homes recommends that you consider whether it is appropriate for your circumstances and that you seek independent legal, financial, and taxation advice before acting on any information in this article.

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